Uncertain Voices
Ever heard the saying that "90% of the things you fear, never actually happen"??
Yes, you heard right! So happens that the thoughts in the human mind can stem from different sources such as past experiences, positive or negative, hearsay, superstition, culture, present occurrences too, etc. As such, all these register in our subconscious and help to inform the suggestions on our minds. How it all weaves together to produce concrete thought in such a way as to influence our behaviour, is a very intriguing thing indeed.
From the Christian angle though, let's just simplify the matter and here goes....
Our thoughts originate from either our spirit which is the seat of the Holy Ghost, from our flesh where our emotions and feelings play, or they can come from an entirely foreign source unknown to us, entirely without prior warning, yet sound so real to us. When we receive present stimuli, the interpretation of same, will depend on what side of this three side coin it is we decide to flip; the spirit or the flesh, or this other strange source?
How we recognize the spirit's interpretations is that they will be biblical. They will not derive from philosophies and opinions of men, hearsay, superstition, culture, etc which cannot be totally or always trusted if only because they're flippant and not built on rock solid truth of the word of God. The Bible on the other hand, is ageless in truth, tried tested and sure.
Back to the subject of Fear; funny how your mind suggests things to you in the first person and you feel the thought originated from your spirit yet it's not so??
For example you hear within your mind, "oh I hate this woman" ; possibly someone who in the past has rubbed you the wrong way or just plain random thinking.
In that instant, you do not realise that though the thought came saying 'I'( that is 'you'), like you're speaking to yourself, affirming your own feelings, yet that thought doesnt originate with you. It is actually a suggestion of the evil one coming at you.
Some hear, 'I want to jump ', 'I'm going to jump over this bridge', I'll just take this pill and end it all'
Not knowing, it was never them speaking to their minds. They were only suggestions by the enemy coming at them in the first person, 'I' . And sadly, some fall for this old trick and take the bait.
Not anymore!
When those thoughts come at you, you pause and identify its source; if it's from the spirit of God, from your flesh and emotions, or from the devil himself. Wherever it's from, you test it by checking what the word of God does say about that situation, and do a comprehensive study on it if you like.
Then counter the foulness with the powerful words you will always find within the pages of scripture.
For it is by these words that the earth itself was made.
Tried, tested and true.
You will find truth and life within its pages.
The enemy you see, will flee as in terror.
As the light of the world attends to you, bringing you Life in every situation and circumstance.
So help us God.
Ndidi Olamide Adekunle